Borderlands 4 Leaks Online with release date [UPDATED]


A representative for the actress mentioned in the story has clarified that the mention of Borderlands 4 on her resume was an error. The correct reference is to her role in Borderlands EchoVision Live, not Borderlands 4.

Rumor: Borderlands 4 Character and Release Plans Leak Online

The anticipation for Borderlands 4 is growing after the success of Borderlands 3. However, no official confirmation or rumors exist about its development for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. A recent leak has sparked interest, but there are concerns.

“Actor Angie Jho Lee is a voice actor on Genvid Entertainment’s upcoming interactive streaming series, Borderlands EchoVision Live, which was announced at San Diego Comic-Con last month,” reads the statement. “While the series takes place within the Borderlands universe and is made in partnership with Gearbox Entertainment, it is not a Borderlands game. We reached out to Angie and asked her to make this change on her personal account to reflect the accurate role with the interactive series.”

Clearly, the Borderlands 4 rumors are based on a misunderstanding. Needless to say, fans should not expect to see Borderlands 4 release this holiday season as was rumored.

On Reddit, a user noticed actress Angie Jho Lee’s resume mentioning “Borderlands 4.” The resume indicates she’s playing “Aiyumi” in the game, possibly a codename for a character. A developer’s LinkedIn page also mentions Borderlands 4 releasing in the holiday of 2023, though this seems unlikely. The information may be outdated, and the game’s release has been postponed internally.

Two different sources have mentioned Borderlands 4 online, which suggests that the game might actually be real. However, the information that it’s releasing this year seems unlikely. It’s possible that the release date is outdated and the game will be released in 2024 instead.

For now, it is important to take everything with a grain of salt. None of the implicated parties, including Gearbox Software, have commented on the rumors. We don’t expect this to change, but we will update the story if it does. In the meantime, expecting a potential Borderlands 4 reveal in the coming months seems reasonable.